Singing Guide: New Main Street Singers

Singing Guide: New Main Street Singers

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The New Main Street Singers are known for their impeccable harmonies and upbeat, folky sound. While they may have started out as a fictional band in the film "A Mighty Wind," their music has become beloved by many for its catchy tunes and expert vocal arrangements. If you're a fan of the New Main Street Singers and want to improve your own singing skills, here are some tips and resources to help you along the way.

  1. Practice Your Harmonies

    One of the most defining features of the New Main Street Singers' sound is their tight vocal harmonies. To achieve this sound in your own singing, it's important to practice singing in harmony with others. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training tool is a great resource for this, as it provides interactive vocal warm-ups and exercises specifically designed to help you improve your pitch accuracy and harmony singing skills.

  2. Focus on Breath Support

    To truly nail the New Main Street Singers' sound, it's important to have strong breath support. This means being able to control your inhales and exhales to create a consistent, sustained sound. Singing Carrots' Breath Support article provides useful tips and exercises for improving breath control and building lung capacity.

  3. Work on Your Articulation

    The New Main Street Singers are known for their crisp, clear enunciation. To really capture their sound, it's important to work on your articulation. Singing Carrots' Articulation article provides helpful tips and exercises for improving your clarity of speech, which is crucial for achieving the New Main Street Singers' signature vocal sound.

  4. Embrace Your Inner Folkie

    If you're looking to sing like the New Main Street Singers, it's important to embrace your inner folkie. This means studying the history and roots of folk music and becoming familiar with the genre's unique vocal styles and techniques. Singing Carrots' Pop/Jazz vs Classical singing article provides a helpful overview of the differences between classical, pop, and jazz singing and offers tips for developing a more authentic folk singing style.

  5. Sing Their Songs

    Finally, to truly master the New Main Street Singers' vocal style, you need to study and sing their songs. Singing Carrots' Search tool is a great resource for finding songs that match your vocal range and style preferences. You can also consult the Artist vocal ranges page to learn more about the vocal ranges of your favorite folk singers and to discover new songs to add to your repertoire.

With these tips and resources, you'll be well on your way to singing like the New Main Street Singers in no time. So grab your guitar and get ready to harmonize – the folk revival starts now!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.